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ZenWaterPro Theme: Auto rotate Slider Images

ZenWaterPro - Premium Zen Water WordPress Theme by zentemplates.com

By default slider images in ZenWaterPro Theme will not rotate until user clicks on prev/next arrows or play button.

In some cases you may want to make them auto rotate by default. It will require a small code change, here are all of the necessary steps:

1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel

2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor

3. Open file zenwaterpro/js/utilities.js

4. At the end of the file insert the following code:

jQuery( document ).ready(function() {

jQuery(‘#rm_play’).trigger( “click” );


5. Save changes

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2 Responses to “ZenWaterPro Theme: Auto rotate Slider Images”

  1. Can I apply this onto the ‘ZenWater’ Theme, i.e., the free one as well?

    Actually, I just tried that, but it did not work, I would like to find out if you have the right codes for the ‘ZenWater’ Theme to make the rotation work as well, I will appreciate it.

    • Hi Hon,

      in general, it should work, try to insert the following code:

      $( document ).ready(function() {
      $(‘#rm_play’).trigger( “click” );

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