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Animation Effect Customization

The appearing animation effect can be easily customized, globally enabled all animations in the entire website, disabled from the theme’s Customizer by checking the proper option (see the screenshots below). The animation appearing effect can also be chosen to be displayed only on Homepage.

Here are the steps:

Admin Panel – Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize -> Animations

You can also adjust the Animation Duration in seconds, the animation type of the block sections, performing the animation for the different parts of the theme. From the drop-down fields you can select different animation type for the Site Title, Basket, Header Icons Section, Page Header Section, Content Images, Sidebar, Content Text, Footer Title, Footer Text, Footer Menu Section, Footer Icons Section, Homepage and Custom Post Types Section.

Once selected, you can see the performing of the animation at the right part of the Customizer. In order to save the change, you should click the Publish button above, and that’s all.
